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Dixie Days & Field of Heroes

Join us in honoring our fallen first responders at the City of St. George’s Remembering 9/11 program on September 11th at 6:30 p.m. at St. George Town Square. The program will be followed by a solemn flag retirement ceremony, after which the Field of Heroes will be open for viewing.

We also invite you to visit the Field of Heroes commemorative display on the lawn of St. George Town Square from September 9th to 12th. This poignant display features 343 American flags, each representing a first responder who lost their life in the 9/11 attacks.

As part of Dixie Days, we invite you to join us for a day of community and celebration on September 14th. Start your morning with the Dixie Roundup Parade at 9:00 a.m., which will proceed from 200 W Tabernacle to 400 E Tabernacle, showcasing the spirit and heritage of our community.

After the parade, head over to St. George Town Square for the Dixie Days Festival. From 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., enjoy a full day of festivities, including local vendors, entertainment, and family-friendly activities. Be sure to stop by our booth to learn more about upcoming events and connect with fellow community members.


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