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with your 100% FREE History Lessons from United We Pledge
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with your 100% FREE History Lessons from United We Pledge
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Each lesson is designed to be about 15 minutes long that can easily be taught around the dinner table, in the car, or wherever you and your family are together. Every lesson is based on The Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, or the Bill of Rights which inspire a deeper, foundational understanding of our liberty, our love for America, and our American values which will strengthen and unify our nation.
Each lesson is designed to be about 15 minutes long that can easily be taught around the dinner table, in the car, or wherever you and your family are together. Every lesson is based on The Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, or the Bill of Rights which inspire a deeper, foundational understanding of our liberty, our love for America, and our American values which will strengthen and unify our nation.
Every lesson is deeply rooted in primary source referencing. Accurate historical context and factual accounts ensure an unbiased account of history. We pride ourselves on offering completely objective education to enable everyone to learn from our nation’s weaknesses and to embrace our nation’s strengths.
Every lesson is deeply rooted in primary source referencing. Accurate historical context and factual accounts ensure an unbiased account of history. We pride ourselves on offering completely objective education to enable everyone to learn from our nation’s weaknesses and to embrace our nation’s strengths.
Our lessons are featured in a series of free courses based on America’s founding documents: The Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Increase your family’s enlightened understanding of the role these documents played in establishing and protecting liberty for all in the United States of America!
Our lessons are featured in a series of free courses based on America’s founding documents: The Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Increase your family’s enlightened understanding of the role these documents played in establishing and protecting liberty for all in the United States of America!
Get your FREE History Lessons from United We Pledge Today!