We Invite You To Contribute!

Contribute by submitting a lesson and helping us reach thousands of families each month with principle-based history lessons. 

We Invite You To Contribute!

Contribute by submitting a lesson and helping us reach thousands of families each month with principle-based history lessons. 



We are thrilled to have you join our efforts at UWP Academy! 

We are proud and excited to share this family-centered curriculum and know it will have a great impact in homes across America.

It is produced, promoted, and distributed through United We Pledge. 

This curriculum is available in electronic formats and is designed to appeal to youth, but applicable to the entire family.


To Submit

Each lesson in UWP Academy will need to follow guidelines to help ensure a continuity of style, design, and educational level of understanding.  Our hope is that families will gather together for at least 15-20 minutes each week to discuss our American History in a positive and unifying way.  

Lesson Requirements

  • Title – that is interesting and catchy
  • An applicable quote – to summarize the message
  • One or more important principles – to focus on the key point of the lesson
  • Getting Started Activity – to engage attention
  • Lesson – that helps increase learning, understanding, and participation 
  • What Can YOU Do? – a specific and meaningful call to action for participants 
  • Additional resources – videos, books, other sources to learn more about subject 
  • References or citations – with an emphasis on original, primary sources 


    We envision these lessons to be able to be taught and discussed around the dinner table with the whole family involved. Each lesson should have 2-3 historical images, and draw on historical facts to teach principles

    Remember the lessons need to be non-partisan, non-denominational, so we can help unify Americans in meaningful ways.

The Lesson Process

Once your submission is made, it will pass through UWP Academy’s editing team, where style, major grammatical errors, and source verification will be addressed.  Next, the draft will be passed back to the author for any final thoughts and an opportunity to apply the editor’s suggestions.  Once approved by the author, the draft will be submitted to the final editor in preparation to be launched online.  

Get Recognized

Each contributor will receive credit for their work and will be recognized on the online platform. By submitting your draft document, you agree to the following: 

  1. UWP Academy has the right to edit and refine the lesson to ensure it meets the content criteria for the final lesson.  All reasonable efforts will be made to work in harmony with the original submitter so the integrity of the lessons are properly preserved. 
  2. Any  proceeds, royalties, and income generated from UWP Academy belong exclusively to United We Pledge.

Our purpose at United We Pledge is to: “Educate, inspire, and invigorate citizens (especially youth) to protect and preserve freedom, family, and faith, therefore enhancing the spirit of America.” 

Thank you for your interest in joining us! 

See Below Examples

  • Sample Lesson from UWP Academy curriculum.
  • Sample Lesson Template of the required sections for each lesson.


The following process will occur upon essay submission

1. You will receive a text message and email indicating that the essay was successfully received.

2. The lesson will be read, reviewed, and considered for inclusion in our curriculum.

3. Lessons will undergo collaborative editing and eventually uploaded to UWPAcademy.org