United We Pledge Academy
On July 4, 2022, United We Pledge launched a national TV and social media campaign announcing its brand new curriculum platform called United We Pledge Academy (UWP Academy). The first course, American Heritage Course, is freely available for access and download at UWPacademy.org. You can sign up to receive your free course anytime here.
The American Heritage course is an exciting, home-based online course for families to teach their children about the founding principles of the United States of America. UWP Academy is intended to unify families and communities by promoting respectful and open discussions at home and in their interactions with others.
Once enrolled, lessons are often released on a weekly basis covering a variety of nonpartisan historical moments, principles, and topics that contributed to the development of the United States of America.
In addition to the factual historical accounts offered in each lesson, key lesson activities will promote open dialogue and activities that help nurture the understanding of principles taught in each lesson. United We Pledge has a vision of families sitting around the dinner table learning together about our nation’s history.
Unifying Hearts Through Education

It is the hope of United We Pledge that UWP Academy will provide education that will foster a love of the American values of freedom, family, and faith in the rising generation. Our aim is for the curriculum to plant in youth the desire to be active citizens who are fruitful in the preservation of this extraordinary republic.
UWP Academy is intended to unify our precariously divided nation by focusing on teaching accurate history as well as teaching how to have open and respectful dialogue with those of different viewpoints.
This will help promote unity and strengthen our youth’s ability to respect the liberty, rights, and voices of all citizens. It is the belief of United We Pledge that liberty is the heartbeat of a united nation, a healthy republic, and ultimately a happy people.
How Our Curriculum is Curated

Course Development Manager
UWP Academy is currently spearheaded by Lisa Hartle, the Department Course Manager. Lisa works with experienced contributors, educators, writers, and historians from various backgrounds and beliefs to develop each lesson.
We believe that accurate history should be beyond bias and neither right nor left leaning and void of political agendas. Each lesson is vigorously vetted by professional editors to ensure accurate primary sources and citations. One very unique aspect of United We Pledge Academy is the opportunity and invitation for anyone to submit a lesson for consideration.
Each lesson submission undergoes strict citation protocols to ensure accuracy. All information and a lesson template can be found at UnitedePledge.org. Please direct any questions or concerns to [email protected].
How to Access UWP Academy

Each lesson will be saved on our website for viewers to access at their leisure. Our target audience is middle school-aged youth ages 12 to15, although people of all ages can certainly benefit from and contribute to the lessons. The hope is that all family members will be engaged and included in the discussions.
We believe our curriculum will help unlock the potential of youth and inspire them to take responsibility for becoming stellar citizens of the United States of America and capable leaders to help maintain liberty in the 21st century.
Education is empowering and a natural confidence booster! Each lesson is based on timeless principles. For example, our first lesson, “We Mutually Pledge,” discusses how our Founding Fathers pledge to each other: “We Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor.” We discuss the importance of keeping promises, even in hard times.
Each lesson will include a call to action where we put what was taught into action. Families can learn from and implement these principles into daily life.
The Role of Parents in Our Nation’s Future

UWP Academy believes that parents are the primary protectors of each generation. The responsibility of providing for the education of youth rests squarely on the shoulders of mothers and fathers.
Parents can create a home-centered environment where healthy dialogue, discussion, and historical recitations can fill the hearts and minds of their children in a way that really makes a difference. We hope to assist parents in providing a home-based curriculum that is fun for the entire family.
In George Washington’s 8th Annual Message on December 7, 1796, he said: “A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?” We at UWP Academy wholeheartedly agree!
Are you ready to make United We Pledge Academy a part of your family? Sign up for the American Heritage Course here!